GB Grid Twitter updates

Twitter has today finally switched off part of its free API. This was expected in March, then April and finally done on June 13th.

These automated accounts have always been a side project that has cost me significantly more in server costs and time than the small number of donations I’ve received justifies. (Not that I’ve ever advertised the donations) As such, I will not be paying for any premium API access, and Musk’s mindset in regard to these API changes has demotivated me in making further changes to these accounts.

However, I do not plan on closing these accounts, there is now a free tier of the API which I will be using. To use this tier as it’s intended to be used will mean some changes, this will include reducing the number of tweets per day. There will now just be 4 updates a day:

Overnight - 10pm - 7am
Morning - 7am - noon
Afternoon - noon - 5pm
Evening - 5pm - 10pm

Tweets will show the average generation over the period.

There will likely be a reduction in the total number of charts tweeted too. However, media uploads have only been allowed on their disabled version of the API, so will be finding out over the next few days whether I can still keep having the charts or not.

Finally, there may be some disruption to the tweets over the next few days, my twitter developer account, rather than switching over to the free API has instead been broken and would likely not even work on a paid tier. This means I’m having to fix things in real time, which will likely mean some missed updates.

Changes have been implemented- update here: